Sabado, Pebrero 18, 2012

Hey! My first blog post. Hurrah! Weeell, I've been starting blogs before, like on tumblr and a while on wordpress but didn't get to update it a lot coz of schoolwork. Now that I graduated, I have lotsa time to rub my artworks into people's faces. Mwahahahaha! Kidding.:P

Anyways, this was my first artwork using my pentab.:D I'm so proud to say I survived 4 years of artistic college courses without using one haha!;) Proves how its all in the artist and not in the instruments.:P so that's it! hope you guys enjoy browsing!;)

Huwebes, Pebrero 16, 2012

We had lunch at Vinson's Place along Vito Cruz St. (we call it the White building. Guess why.) and it started to rain pretty hard, the streets were already flooded after a few minutes. Me and my workmates weren't ready for it and didnt have any jacket or umbrella with us, we were five then. A certain sweet somebody walked the flood just to bring us umbrellas so that we could walk back to school.:) He even offered to carry me but I was too shy so I didnt allow him to.:P It would have been great though, haha.:P But im really shyyyy..:"> aww so sweet.<3